Rahsia Petua Lama Ancient Secrets

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Soak 20 black raisins overnight in a bowl of water. Squeeze and strain the content. To this content add the following: 1/2 tsp Yashtimadhu...

Soak 20 black raisins overnight in a bowl of water. Squeeze and strain the content. To this content add the following: 1/2 tsp Yashtimadhu (Licorice)/

1tsp amla powder/

1tsp Cumin seeds powder/

1tsp fennel seeds powder/1/

4tsp dry ginger powder/

pinch of black pepper corn/

1/4 tsp cardamom powder.

 1/2 sudu serbuk cumin  1/2  sudu coriander powder 1/8 sudu dry ginger powder 2 3 cubit asafetida 6 biji blackcurrent campur dgn seten...

 1/2 sudu serbuk cumin
 1/2  sudu coriander powder
1/8 sudu dry ginger powder
2 3 cubit asafetida
6 biji blackcurrent

campur dgn setengah gelas air dan minum sebelum tidur